【東南亞沙龍】印尼-人口紅利與印尼新興市場-活動紀錄-105年4月10日-April 10th 2016-Topic: When Cars Appear in Kampong: Demographic Dividend and Indonesia's Emerging Market

(本協會常務理事,正修科技大學 國際企業系副教授)

沙龍演講後 來賓發表問題

Professor Dai Wan-Pin gave a lecture on Indonesia. First, he introduced the historical background. During the time of the dictator Suharto, many Chinese were massacred. Although they were later overthrown, they are still respected.
    Several cultural differences need special attention when traveling to Indonesia. For example, Indonesia prohibits eating pork, putting one’s palms together as a sign of courtesy, and there is no toilet paper in the toilet, only a showerhead, so most people wash their buttocks with their left hands and grab things with their right hands to eat as their special habit.
There are several special cultural wonders in Indonesia. In the early days, people would fill up the entire train, including the roof, but now there will be large iron balls along the level crossing, and they would be shot down when sitting on top of the train. There are often people burning garbage on the side of the road. In addition, Indonesia also has dog meat satay as their cultural food.
    Foreign capital has also entered the Indonesian market in large numbers. For example, with the large Korean company LOTTLE, the Internet industry has developed rapidly, and mobile apps provide various services, such as car-hailing, massage, and cleaning. Indonesia is a large and dynamic country. Under the introduction of Professor Dai, everyone can understand the local culture and economic development better. Finally, the chairman of the association issued a certificate of appreciation to Professor Dai on behalf of the association. The entire salon ended in a pleasant atmosphere.

