【東南亞沙龍】106/10/16東南亞沙龍講座《活動紀錄》Southeast Asia Salon (Activity Record)


Entering Laos: Seeing the Marketing Application of Information Technology in Developing Countries


Topic: Entering Laos: Seeing the Marketing Application of Information Technology in Developing Countries

講者:簡赫琳 副教授(文藻外語大學東南亞語言教學中心 主任)

Speaker: Associate Professor Jian (Director of Southeast Asian Language Teaching 


Time: October 16, 2016 (Mon) 10:00-12:00


Location: Room I205, Shih Chien University (Kaohsiung Campus)


Sponsors: Kaohsiung Southeast Asia Industry-University Exchange Association, Department of Marketing Management, Shih-Chien University


Record: Hung

1.     本次東南亞沙龍妤民國1061016日在實踐大學高雄校區行銷管理學系舉行,特別邀請到文藻外語大學東南亞中心簡赫琳主任擔任講者,在此特別感謝本協會理事張存炳教授及助理巧薇協助安排活動相關事宜。

We specially invited Director Jian of the Southeast Asia Center of Wenzao University of Foreign Studies, as a speaker. I would like to thank Professor Zhang and assistant Qiao to assist in arranging activities related matters.

2.     首先由協會張存炳理事頒發演講費及聘書,並介紹講者文藻外語大學東南亞中心簡赫琳主任、特別來賓行銷管理系的林主任、協會林冠琦秘書長、林富水老師等人。

Director Zhang of the association, will award the speech fee and letter of appointment, and introduce the speaker and director Jian of the Southeast Asia Center of Wenzao University of Foreign Studies, director Lin of the Department of Marketing Management, secretary-general of the association Lin Guanqi, teacher Lin Fushui and others.

3.     一開始,簡主任便介紹文藻外語大學未來即將招生的東南亞碩士學位學程,讓大家立刻知道這則重要的訊息,接著簡主任便用很活潑的方式開場,引起同學們的興趣。

At the beginning, Director Jian introduced the Southeast Asian master degree program that Wenzao University of Foreign Languages ​​will enroll in the future. Then he started in a very lively way to intrigue the interest of the students.

4.     簡主任首先介紹寮國的意象,而後銜接到寮國產業的發展,並走進學生群中與大家對話,再引導出目前寮國重要的產業及發展所需,例如基礎建設的重要性,以及IT當前的發展趨勢!

Director Jian present some images of Laos, and then connected to the development of Laos industry, and walked into the student group to have a dialogue with everyone, and then guided the current important industries and development needs of Laos, such as the importance of infrastructure construction, and the current development trend of IT, information technology!

5.     隨後,便以IT Dev公司為例,介紹該公司的發展目標、網站、目前的情況、未來回饋社會的願景等,能有機會認識寮國及當地的公司,對學生們來說真的非常難得。

After that, he took IT Dev company as an example to introduce the company's development goals, website, current situation, vision of giving back to society in the future, etc. It is really rare for students to have the opportunity to know Laos and local companies.

6.     簡主任在活動即將結束前,提及東南亞中心選送學生前往東南亞國家實習,並開放名額供實踐大學的學生,引起很大的討論。

Before the event ends, Director Jian mentioned that the Southeast Asia Center selected students to go to Southeast Asian countries for internships opportunities in places for students from Shi Jian University, which brought lots of discussion.

7.     最後,簡主任再次介紹文藻即將舉辦的東南亞國際研討會(10/27-28),並邀請大家前往共襄盛舉。

Finally, Director Jian once again introduced Wenzao’s forthcoming Southeast Asia International Salon, and invited everyone to join in the event.

8.     整個活動在一片歡樂及討論的氛圍中結束,相信在座的各位同學及來賓皆獲益良多且意猶未盡,必定相當期待下一次的東南亞沙龍活動,心裡一定很想詢問何時再舉辦或者是何時再來實踐大學呢?當然是敬請期待,以及下次再見囉!

The whole event ended in an atmosphere of joy and discussion. I believe that all the students and guests here have benefited a lot and have more to say. They must be looking forward to the next Southeast Asia salon event. We highly anticipated the next salon being held; and about coming back to Shi Jian university. Looking forward to see you next time!

