【東南亞沙龍】106/04/29 東南亞沙龍講座《活動紀錄》Southeast Asia Salon (Activity Record)
講者:Dr. Amador Peleo
Speaker: Dr. Amador Peleo
Introduction: Researcher at National Sun Yat-Sen University
時間:106年4月29日 下午4點-6點
時間:106年4月29日 下午4點-6點
When: April 29, 2017, 4pm-6pm
地點:佰客家 (高雄市左營區立信路128號)
地點:佰客家 (高雄市左營區立信路128號)
Location: Bike Home Kauhsiung
Record: Yan-Ying Lin
本次東南亞沙龍主題為菲律賓,很榮幸邀請到國立中山大學研究員Dr. Amador Peleo前來東南亞協會分享「菲律賓之風情與面貌」,身為菲律賓人的Amador,全程用英文介紹,並由顧長永 理事長即時翻譯。
The theme of this Southeast Asia Salon is the Philippines. We are honored to invite Dr. Amador Peleo, a researcher from National Sun Yat-Sen University, to come to the Southeast Asia Association to share "the style and appearance of the Philippines". As a Filipino, Amador introduced the whole process in English, and was introduced by Chairperson Professor Ku with translation.
Amador first used a numeric indicator to measure the "happiness optimism index" between Taiwan and the Philippines, including annual income, the degree of freedom to decide one's life direction, and whether they felt happier than in 2005. As a result, Amador rhetorically asked the audience; some people think Filipinos seem to be happier than Taiwanese!
Next, in addition to comparing Taiwan with the Philippines, Amador added countries in the Asia-Pacific region to the list. Breaking everyone's stereotypes, Amador found that Northeast Asian countries are not happier and more optimistic than Southeast Asian countries, even though their annual income is much higher.
This speech made everyone learned more about the Philippines, Taiwan's neighbor and everyone present is looking forward to the next Southeast Asia Salon, and announces that the next Southeast Asia Salon will be held at 4 pm on June 10, with the theme of "Thailand".