【東南亞沙龍】- 活動紀錄(消失在泰國的美麗女孩) Southeast Asia Salon: Thailand - Pretty girls are vanishing.

主講:林富水 博士


I would like to thank Mr. Lin Fushui for such a splendid speech to the association. Everyone learned more about Thailand, and it has left a deep impression in the hearts of the audience.

泰國位於東南亞中南半島,擁有優越的地理位置,周邊與緬甸、寮國、柬埔寨、馬來西亞相鄰,因此,其邊境城市的發展也相當具有特色。本次的分享則主要聚焦於泰國與緬甸之間,包括美塞(Mae Sai)、美索(Mae Sot)與拉廊(Ranong),美塞與緬甸大其力(Tachilek)只有一條小河之隔,距離相當近,雙邊往來相當密切,一越過邊境便是撣邦(Shan State),美塞附近的美斯樂(Mae Salong)及滿星疊(Ban Hintech)則是我國93師所留存的歷史痕跡之代表;美索與緬甸苗瓦地(Myawaddy)的河面距離也不遠,雙邊往來也有一些特殊現象,例如有人會划船過來泰國邊界處販賣緬甸商品(如香煙),但卻很守規矩地不會越界,因為旁邊有持槍軍人駐守著邊境;拉廊對面則是緬甸高通(Kawthaung),隔著出海口,而本次提及主要在拉廊附近的「克拉地峽」(Kra Isthmus),該地峽的運河開通工程已討論近一個世紀,近兩年再度被中國提起,但泰國始終不願將國土「分離」,因此持續陷入爭論之中。
Mr. Lin Fushui fully demonstrated two important elements required for fieldwork: curiosity and action. With these two elements, Lin's fieldwork trip began. The theme of this time is around "vanishing girl", "border" and some unique phenomena in Thailand.


"Death Railway" and "River Kwai Bridge" were impressively built during World War II by the Japanese. This is the most unique aspect of Mr. Lin's Southeast Asian studies, highly admirable.


The country’s sex industry and shemales (to respect Thai culture, later called "ladyboy") are also special phenomena. Teacher Lin happened to have a friend who underwent sex reassignment surgery. From a boy to a girl, Mr. Lin will His detailed observations will tell everyone. The ladyboy phenomenon may have multiple and complicated relationships with factors such as the environment, history, and the sex industry. Although we can’t understand them, we can respect their peculiarities, phenomenon, and culture.


Finally, Professor Ku, the chairman of the Association, talked with everyone. The audience also actively discussed many topics about ladyboy with Teacher Lin. 

Everyone benefited and had a better understanding of Thailand, and look forward to the next salon lecture.

